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Stimați parteneri, În data de 05.07.2024 o să fie Sărbătoare Națională în Cehia, motiv pentru care comenzile dvs. înregistrate în 05.07.2024 se vor livra în data de 10.07.2024!

An everyday story about inventory management

With the use of RFID, stock management can be monitored in a smart way. How many bolts, nuts and screws have employees used and what quantity need to be re-ordered for an optimal stock level? The RFID solution provides insight into the orders that have already been made and those about to be delivered.

One of Fabory's customers who works with RFID is Lan Handling. Once a week, a Fabory merchandiser replenishes the stock. Lan Handling: "The production in the factory should never come to a halt. The absence of a small part of a machine such as a nut or screw can make a big difference."

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Fully automated

The right numbers are packed automatically

100% availability

Reduced time between ordering and delivery prevents downtime. The availability of fasteners and C-parts is guaranteed.

24/7 insight

A platform provides real-time insight into stock management, order summaries and the performance of the supplier.

This is how it works

An empty bin? An employee places it on the shelf. This makes it unnecessary to physically check all the positions in the rack. The customer uses their own bin, a plastic bin or a cardboard disposable. Depending on the customer's preference, the application can be programmed to make a scan of the empty bins. This can be done every hour, or every five minutes. Instant results? A push of a button is all that’s needed. The system knows exactly how many new bins are needed and immediately places a re-order. This gives customers a reassuring and confident feeling about their stock management.


If required, a Fabory merchandiser can replenishes the bin delivered to the customer. At many customers, we are present on the  shop floor of the production department every week. Previously, the employee on the shop floor would check what stock had to be ordered. The RFID solution replaces that process. This way, it is possible to check exactly which items have been ordered and when they will be delivered. An employee will always have sufficient stock of our articles.

Ferry van Es, buyer at Lan Handling says: "You don't want to have to measure exactly what you need every day."

Fabory Logic Did You Know

"Before we used RFID, we used to walk past the shelves every week to see which items needed to be ordered. You sometimes miscalculate the stock, because it can be consumed faster than expected. We now have the certainty that all items are actually in stock. Downtime is unthinkable."

Ferry van Es, buyer Lan Handling

Delivery time

The system knows exactly how many empty bins have been put on the shelf, so that an order can be placed. If a Fabory employee updates the system on Tuesday, a new order can be read automatically on Thursday evening. The scan that generates the new order can be programmed remotely at the desired day and time. This way of working shortens the time between ordering and delivery. In this way, a peak in production is more easily dealt with.


Every customer receives insight on their own platform into stock management, order overviews and the supplier's performance. This provides the customer with complete transparency and insight into the consumption of materials. Lan Handling: "All rings, bolts and nuts come in different lengths. We book these under one purchase order as grab stock, so at the end of the year we can see exactly how much we have actually spent on stock."

Wide use of technology

The technology supports stock management. In the future, Fabory wants to use analysis based on this technology to provide even greater insight into the use of stock. Which items rotate and which do not? That is information we want to share with customers.

RFID is just one of the Fabory Logic solutions that supports customers inventory management.  Discover our other innovative solutions.

Fabory Logic

Masters in Fasteners

With product knowledge, calculations and tests, we come to the correct design and application of specific fasteners. Our range of 120,000 fasteners in any design, size and material type requires efficient stock management where you can rely on. The RFID application is one of the smart solutions Fabory Logic offers you. Every solution provides valuable support for your company stock management. This creates Peace of Mind, where the employees in your company can continue to focus on their core tasks.

Gama de produse

Fabory este alegerea potrivită pentru toate nevoile dvs. de fixare. Portofoliul nostru de produse conține o gamă largă de elemente de fixare standard și soluții de fixare specifice pentru diverse aplicații precum si C-parts.

Fabory Logic

Fabory Logic va pune la dispozitie o gama completa de servicii lde gestionare a stocurilor printre care RFID, Optical-Eye, Cântare și Merchandiser

Inginerie si controlul calitatii

Fabory este construit pe calitate și fiabilitate. Managementul calității este în centrul operațiunii noastre. Inginerii noștri sunt disponibili pentru a vă sprijini în asigurarea alegerii corecte a elementelor de fixare.

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